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*Spanish/English bilingual counseling:  I offer counseling in both English and Spanish.




As a mindfulness-based therapist, I am present centered, and assist clients’ to fully experience their lives.  Through this method, we learn to appreciate ourselves and live with less struggle.  At the same time, those remnants of the past that call for resolution speak through our present symptoms, habits, and patterns.  Thus, our pain indicates the path to greater well-being.  I am a Certified Mindfulness Instructor, and I also work as a Mindfulness Instructor at Naropa University.  


Adolescents/Emerging adults


I have worked with adolescents in a variety of roles for over two decades, and have great rapport and understanding of this time of growth and change. I have experience working a wide range of adolescent struggles and disorders, including depression, anxiety, addiction and recovery. Currently, alongside my private practice, I am a High School Counselor at September High School in Boulder and have been a Teacher of Spanish, Humanities.  


Family therapy/Parenting issues 


Adolescence can be a tumultuous time for youth and families as well, and work with the family can be the most important place to make shifts that help all members communicate better and enjoy each other.  Parents often need support and guidance during this time.   





I identify as queer and owe a lot of my understanding of issues of gender and sexuality to the communities to which I have belonged.  In addition to personal understanding, I have a background of a previous degree exploring gender and sexuality, as well as feminist and queer theory.  I have extensive experience working with adults and young people who are either exploring their gender or sexual identity, or who actively identify as queer, trans or somewhere in the alphabet. 

Parents/Families- Parents and families of LGBT, non-binary, gender-queer children and youth also need and deserve counseling.           





Being in relationship is one of the most profound experiences and can be a place of immense pain or immense healing.  My lens with couples is attachment-based, and I support couples in better understanding and caring for each other and their relationship.  The challenges of relationship harken back to our earliest memories of care-givers and our experiences of love, safety, and security.   We can have more joy and caring in our closest relationships.  





EMDR is an evidence-based modality for working with trauma and other life-disturbing events.  Whenever we have experiences that we somehow cannot stomach or fully digest we may feel ongoing distress or a sense of being bogged down.  EMDR is a straight-forward, supportive method of processing and integrating these disturbances.  I practice EMDR by first supporting clients to build a lot of internal resources to support deepening into areas of trauma.   




As a transpersonal therapist, I acknowledge that often healing and fulfillment come from finding a sense of meaning, purpose, and interconnection.  Connecting to the natural world, perhaps to ceremony, and to our wish to belong to something vaster than our individual experience may bring deep relief, healing and joy. 



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